Cheryl Lynn Betz

A Devotional

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About the Book

As it is helpful to use tools to plant seeds in a garden, it is helpful to use a devotional to plant and nourish seeds of faith during your quiet time with the Lord in His Word. Cheryl Lynn Betz has written this devotional to use as a tool to help strengthen and enrich your time with Him. It is compiled of sixty poignant messages and teachings, which will help you apply the Scriptures to your life with joy.

“I have no authority but that which the Lord has given me. I have no gifts but those which He has bestowed upon me. I have no life but that which He has breathed into me. And of course, I have no words but those which He has created. Please, Lord, breathe life into these words to Your glory.”

Cheryl Lynn Betz

Books 1 & 2 are also available to purchase:

About The Author

Cheryl Lynn Betz

Cheryl is one of the Lord’s works in progress, serving Him as an ambassador for Christ in the roles of wife, mother, grandmother, writer, speaker, teacher, and businesswoman. Her mission is to help equip fellow believers in Christ to “become mature, attaining the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12–13 NIV). It is her prayer that the Lord uses her work to draw people to Himself. Cheryl lives with her husband in beautiful southern Florida. They have two amazing and happily married adult children and one grandson.

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